Dear Brothers and Sisters,
I would like to share my little experience looking for university that i would further my Master there. So, for sure it's a confusing period when you by yourself have to find and decide which university you prefer. So do I. Master is totally different from bachelor (you are invited to certain uni after you applied for). but that's not the main point i wanna share ~
First of all, my intention is to choose the right place where i can practice my language neither english nor arabic. So i've got 2 choices if it's in Malaysia (USIM/UIA) ~ but i'm ex USIM's student so i would like to have new environment (^_^)
Things that you need to know is that, IIUM/UIAM require high band score in english and arabic in order to attend kulliyyah unless your previous studies in english speaking country or arabic speaking country. It's depend on the course that you are applying for ~
For common courses i've heard ~ kulliyyah of Islamic Revealed Knowledge Heritage and Human Science (IRKHS) or in malay word : kulliyyah Ilmu Wahyu which contains department of USULUDDIN, USUL FIQH, QURAN and SUNNAH, COMPARATIVE RELIGION and ARABIC LITERATURE..and i don't really know department of human science ~ so for all these kind of course, student like me (don't have IELTS and not from arabic speaking country) need to take exams~
For english exams called EPT (English Placement Test) and you need to score band 6.5 at least for both paper (writing and reading). Please prepare before you come to register because exam will be a days after you register or the next 2 days. And at the same day you gonna have APT.
APT (Arabic Placement Test) require band 7 for Master and PHD students. There would be a lot of questions that you need to answer and the time is just 2 hours and 30 minutes. This exam paper covers 2 passage for reading comprehension, meaning of kalima, making sentences, and also 2 kind of writing essays. You need to know the format in order to retrieve marks easily. The format changing from time to time. In my session 2012/2013 - first writing essays is about creating a story based on title like (make a story about good behaviour). and the next writing is about argumentative essays. Any title can possibly asked by them. I've got (the death penalty is suite for drug dealer).
Don't forget to put inside your arabic essays with prove or dalil from quran and hadith to support your points at least 2. And for EPT, use linking words as much as you can in graph or argumentative essay.
I think that's more than enough i've told you guys~ please concern about this OR you cannot start your master/PHD and stay for semesters just for language learning session until you achieve the target requirements.
salam..nak tnya untuk ept mmg consist of writing n reading je ke...?speakng and listening ada x..?
BalasPadamsalam..nak tnya untuk ept mmg consist of writing n reading je ke...?speakng and listening ada x..?
BalasPadamNur Al-Fatin Farhanah, i am trully sorry, dah dua bulan bru cek blog, ept is all about wrtting and reading. no speaking unless u dont pass the test then u need to go for classes and by that u have to follow the exams consist of listening and speaking i believe. some of my friends took that class.
BalasPadamHi, did u pass the arabic test? My biggest concern is arabic placement test. The requirement is quite high. Haha. Level 7 for postgraduate in Islamic studies.
BalasPadamBtw, i want to know if i could still enrol in this university if i do not pass the arabic placement test?